5 Amazing Benefits of Classical Music🎼

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Dr. Eric Perry’s Blog

By Dr. Perry, PhD

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“Music is the universal language of mankind” ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Around my house, I am known as the music man. I have the habit of walking around with my iPhone in my pocket playing music on Spotify. I love all music because it makes me feel happy and alive. Research shows that classical music is exceptionally beneficial for your brain and overall health. The way classical music affects the brain is universal regardless of gender, class or nationality. Wouldn’t it be great if listening to Beethoven or Mozart could unite us all?

Here are  5 ways classical music benefits us all:

1. Improves your focus
Numerous studies have shown that listening to classical music such as Bach, Mozart and Beethoven can improve focus. Complex and continuously changing melodies can help the mind focus by keeping it engaged. When your brain is expecting to…

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