Pictures of Eskom sabotage that nearly caused stage 6 load-shedding (local news)

by Hanno Labuschagne | MyBroadband Eskom CEO André de Ruyter has shared what he sees as the “clearest indication yet” that deliberate sabotage of Eskom’s infrastructure was taking place and causing load-shedding. In an online media briefing on Thursday, De Ruyter would only say that coincidental incidents suggested individuals were purposefully sabotaging Eskom’s infrastructure and that […]

Cryptocurrency is not real

Cryptocurrency is Not Real 8 Common Crypto Skeptic Questions and How to Answer Them Bitcoin adoption has accelerated amid unprecedented central bank money printing and the coronavirus-induced digitalisation of day-to-day life. The conversation is changing. “Crypto is a fad and bubble!” is turning to “Crypto is another investment asset class.” “Why does Bitcoin have value?’ is becoming […]

Big problems with Telegram security

by Jan Vermeulen | MyBroadband Researchers from the University of London and ETH Zurich have documented significant problems with the security of Telegram’s encryption system. While Telegram fixed the four specific security flaws identified by the researchers, they also highlighted underlying problems to Telegram’s general approach to encryption. This has been a long-standing criticism against Telegram due […]